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Płyty Muzyczne
CD polskie
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 Płyty Muzyczne-CD zagraniczne-Bloodstained "Headless Kingdom"

Bloodstained "Headless Kingdom"

Producent:FWH Records
Kategoria:Płyty Muzyczne
Podkategoria:CD zagraniczne

Cena: 34.00 PLN

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Active for more than a decade, Polish BLOODSTAINED is striking back with their full-length debut for FWH Records to reveal the putrid and filth of today´s world. Started as a young Beatdown band in in the early days of existence, the five-piece evolved a much more metallic sound with reaching a high level of maturity. The ten new tracks on “Headless kingdom” take the best of both worlds, Metal and Hardcore, and combine them to a beast of traditional metallic Mosh with a modern vibe. The dark vocals, sharp riffing and massive breakdowns on this release finally bring back the spirit of glorious European Metal Mosh driven by bands such as ARKANGEL, KICKBACK, CRAWLSPACE and LENGTH OF TIME.

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Independent Music Label
Oprogramowanie sklepu: Sklepna5.pl